Sunday, November 7, 2010

Daily Vegas ~ ToDos ToDos!

Just wanted to share a picture pre-sickness!

Why is it that your whole world doesn't stop just because you have? Or at least slow down. Wouldn't that be nice. If I had a "Life Remote Control" this week I would use the "slow down" button.

Squish is still pretty sick, we head back to the Doctors tomorrow. I am hoping for the antibiotics to start kicking in soon. I also wish Toddlers had a "slow down" button. My little man can't seem to sit still once his fever goes down, plays for a bit, and then is back to being a snuggle bug. I wish he would just rest and let his body get better.

While I was typing this my son woke up (he was sleeping next to me), after only being asleep for a little bit and he was super warm. I took his temp, he was 104.5 so I packed him up and headed to the hospital. He was 105.2 when he was brought back, another chest x-ray and a catheter later... Get this - My son doesn't have Pneumonia or Bronchitis. Someone read his films wrong, and the ones they took tonight were completely clear. Instead he has swollen lymph nodes, pussy tonsils (tonsillitis), and an Upper Respiratory Infection (which is from his cold and explains the cough.) I have lots of questions for the Doctor tomorrow that is for sure... **

So this is going to be a crazy blogging week for me. One week until our Toddler Wonderland event (don't forget to grab the button for extra entries!) We have some seriously awesome sponsors lined up, and some amazing tutorials.

Also this week I have some really great reviews and giveaways coming this week! I am super excited. I write about what I love, and these are going to be no exceptions.

Want some hints??

  • Aden + Anais (This product hasn't left my son's side this entire weekend. Not to mention he has slept with it every night since it arrived and came out warm from the dryer.) (Review and Giveaway)
  • My Brest Friend (Something I am still using even though Squish and I stopped breastfeeding 2 weeks ago) (Review and Giveaway)
  • Buggy Shady (an absolute MUST HAVE for any parent with a stroller!) (Review and Giveaway)
  • Joovy (Hmmm what could this be??)
  • Go Gaga (It's purple, and strapy and pretty amazing) (Review and Giveaway)
  • Another fabulous Kiboomu Giveaway, and a Giveaway your littlest techie won't want to miss!!

Wow! And all that before I hit the road for the Sits Girls Bloggy Boot Camp in St. George Utah! (still a few tickets left if you want to join in!!)

HEY while you are here - you should enter the Rock Me Baby Records Giveaway (2 winners) 1 fantastically fun CD full of Classic Nursery Rhymes!! - ends tomorrow (11/8) LOW ENTRIES!!

Okay, so I am out - time to snuggle up with my little man, and hope tomorrow is better than today.

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At November 8, 2010 at 5:36 PM , Blogger Sarah at The Stroller Ballet said...

Poor little thing! It's so hard when they can't tell you what's wrong. :( Here's hoping your LO feels better ASAP!

At November 9, 2010 at 6:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Squish! Hope he feels better soon! And I can't wait for all of the events that you have planned . . . :)


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