“Good fathers make good sons”
The greatest gift I ever had
Came from God; I call him Dad!
~Author Unknown
I don't think I do this enough, so I thought I would take a minute to brag about my sweet hubby! This weekend I woke up with a 102 degree temperature and was feeling awful. Turns out I had Mastitis, which is an infection in the breast, that is common in breastfeeding moms. The only thing you can do is take your antibiotics, and rest. Well Rob sure stepped up to the plate. He took care of Kellan as much as Kellan would let him this weekend. I am still breastfeeding, so he couldn't do that, and there were times when Kellan would scream, and I would take him and he would just stop crying. Poor Rob, trying so hard, and all Kellan wanted was his Momma. But I really was able to get enough rest and am starting to feel a lot better today.
Thank you Rob for all that you do to help me. Thank you for going to work so I can stay home and take care of our son. Thank you for being wonderfully patient with Kellan, and me. I love you so much. You are a wonderful husband, and a great father! Kellan and I are lucky to have you. I don't know what I am going to do when you deploy.
(Taken when Rob came home from our first deployment as a couple)
It was hard not to have you here when it was just me, I know we will miss you even more now that Kellan is here. We will get through it, as we always do, with love and communication, and lots of patience. I love you!
Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a dad. ~Author Unknown
Aw, Emily! That was so sweet! And, big bummer about the mastitis. Hope you feel better soon!
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