Why I use a Cloth Diaper Service
The day got ahead of me BIG TIME. I wrote this for a guest spot on Greening Sam and Avery (thanks again Abbie for having me), but I thought I would share this again here.
Why I use a cloth diaper service.
Hi, my name is Emily and I use a cloth diaper service. No, I am not lazy, no, I am not rich, and yes, I did my homework.

I guess I didn’t look into it before I had Squishy, because I thought it was all rubber pants and safety pins. Little did I know there was a whole world of cloth diapers out there. My Hubs is a stats kind of guy. He wanted to know the black and white of it. So I researched, and posted on a community board. Everyone told me diaper services were a waste of money, and was the lazy person’s way to cloth diaper. But if that was the case, why was what I was reading was telling me differently? Here is why using a cloth diaper service was the best option for us.
Using a diaper service is one of the greenest ways to cloth diaper. The services use extremely high efficiency machines. They use less water and waste less fuel by washing a lot of diapers at once. They use a specifically formulated soap system, and a PH-balanced wash cycle that is more extensive than those used for hospital linens. The soaps are fragrance free, biodegradable, and phosphate free.

Not laziness. My husband is deployed frequently for his job. And until recently we didn’t have any family in the area. We were both worried that there would be days were I wouldn’t be feeling well, or Squish would need extra attention, and laundry would be the last thing on my mind. While I can always find another outfit for us to wear, not having a clean diaper is a bit of an issue. Yes, this wouldn’t happen all the time, but it was a thought. Also as a single mom 1/3 – 1/2 of the year, I honestly knew I was going to have enough on my plate, adding washing diapers to that list could have easily put me over.
Yes, washing your own cloth diapers is the most cost effective way to cloth diaper, but using a service will save you money. Typically, children who are cloth diapered potty train up to a year earlier than children who wear disposables. And in the beginning when they are first born, it seems like they poop every two minutes. So you are in essence saving money at the beginning and end of your diapering days.

I may or may not be known to start something and then decide it isn’t right for me. I know – it is an awful personality trait. I wish I wasn’t known for that, but I am. So the Hubs wasn’t ready to shell out a whole bunch of money to start a stash only to find out that CDing wasn’t something we were going to be able/want to do full time or at all. So it made sense to at least try the service since it was the least expensive way to go. Yes, there are places that have trials of different kinds of cloth diapers for you to use. But honestly, two weeks isn’t enough time for me to decide if I like something or not. If I love it, I know right away, but if I am unsure, it takes time to figure out why.
These were the reasons we decided to go with the diaper service, there were smaller reasons too, but these 4 was enough black and white to make the decision. And let me tell you, I am so glad we did.
The company delivers the diapers in a biodegradable trash bag, which we than use to line the diaper pail. The diapers come off, and go right into the pail. No rinsing or soaking, no extra work for us. They do get a little stinky towards the end of the week, but I just pop an extra biodegradable, completely edible deodorizing disk in, and no more stinky.
The diapers are delivered right to our front door in the middle of the night. Put the old ones out, and new ones magically appear. It’s like the diaper fairy comes and hauls away the poop so you don’t have to.
If we ever need more diapers, they get delivered with in 24 hours, no charge. If we have any issues, like my heavy wetter issue, they have worked with us to find a solution.
They also recycle the diapers after they have been used too many times, or have stains. They are sold to housekeeping business, or car washes, and many other businesses to repurpose.
I have not yet had one complaint about our diaper service. We absolutely made the right choice for us, our son, and the environment. And his bunz are happier as a result of Happi Bunz diaper service, and we are too!
Labels: Be Green, Cloth Diapers, Eco-Friendly, Green Living
Sounds awesome to me! I would do cloth diapering if we had a service around here, but we don't. I know myself well enough to know that there's no way I would be able to clean the diapers myself (there have been many times where I've gagged until I puked while changing a dirty disposable diaper).
Go you!
That's great! I was going to use a diapering service here, but there wasn't one. It would be a great business to start, but not for us since we're moving soon.
Frugally Green Mom
I wish I used our cloth diapers more often. As easy as cloth diapering is, disposables are just simply easier and I've been lazy during the holidays. It's time to get back onto a cloth diaper schedule.
How did I forget you cloth diapered Squish?! We gave up on it after we moved here. There isjust not enough time in the day to get things done let alone laundry everyday. Glad you found a solution that worked for you!
We cloth diapered up until about 9 months of age when he seemed to be leaking out of them ALL THE TIME. CDing in any form is a great choice!
I tried using this service when my son was first born, but we live in Mt. Charleston and we are out of their service range :( I'd have to get some other parents near me to use the diaper service and I don't think that will happen anytime soon :(
@ Elle - thanks! And I totally know the feeling - some of those diapers are just awful!!
April - good luck with your move? Are you going far?
@Midwest Elle - you can do it - but honestly I understand. It is just habit for us.
@Ruby - Aw man, you had such a great stash going too - moved - does that mean my card didn't make it to you?? (Christmas Card?)
@Amanda - 9 months is great - and I hear you on leaks - we double at night. :)
I never realized diaper services were as affordable as they are. For some reason I was convinced they were tons of money. lol I guess that is because I never looked it up before this post. We just started getting Devon used to the potty, so I'm hoping we won't need any diapers at all at some point in the nearer future. Thanks for the post....lots of good insight.
Yay Happi Bunz! :)
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