How to Top 2009??
Wow - tomorrow it will be 2010! I can not believe the past year has flown so quickly! Where does the time go? Don't even get me started on the fact that we are entering a new decade! Gone for me are the years where NYE is all about a big party, ushering in the New Year in a haze of Champagne, kisses, and parties. Those days are gone, and I will tell you what, I am happy about it. I just would rather spend the time with my family. I have done it the other way, and am now looking forward to the next chapter in my life. To once again be reminded of how much God has given me in this life.
This year I will be spending NYE in Florida, watching my Father and Step-Mom play bridge with their friends, slathering my Squsihapillar with kisses before he heads off to dreamland, and hoping I am able to make it to 12 to see the ball drop. I will be thinking and missing my husband, and dreaming of all the things as a family we get to look forward to in 2010. So, in other words, other then being in Florida, not much different then a regular night in my life.
I wouldn't have it any other way! (With the exception of a midnight kiss by my sweet hubby!) When I look back to the beginning of this decade, I would not have believed anyone if they would have told me I would be married to a wonderful and amazing man, living in a house we own, and driving a new car (I have always had used cars). And let's not forget becoming a mother to the best, cutest, most perfect little boy in the whole world (no bias here of course!).
Lets take a look back at my year:
Rob and I found out we were having a boy - let the name game begin!
The belly begins to grow rapidly!
(please forgive the boxes piled up in the corner :::blushes from the mess:::)
March:We began looking for our first home - it was a long process, belly still growing!
Hit 32 weeks pregnant, felt 36 weeks... little did I know then...
My Dad came out to visit us, we had found a house, but it fell through last minute due to some VA loan issues. I got my first new car, a Mitsubishi Outlander, which I love, and now don't have to worry where the baby will go once he is born. (He sure wasn't going to fit in my broken Ford Focus ZX3!) 36 weeks pregnant here - didn't know it then, but this would be the last belly pic I would take.
The month that changed my life forever. My sweet baby boy was born at 38 weeks, 10lbs 2 ozs and 20.5 inches long via C-section after 26 hours of labor. He didn't have a name until he was born, and when Rob came over to me with tears in his eyes telling me how beautiful our son was, I gave into him and agreed to his pick, Kellan Halsten, and now I can't even imagine him being anything but Kellan.
This month Kellan was visited by Farmor Ingrid, Grandpa Theron, Grandma Diane, Great Aunt Jan, Aunt Amanda, and Aunt Kim.
Our journey into the world as parents continues, as does our search to find a house to call our home. Our family took a break from visiting, and we were able to settle into our daily routine. We are both hopelessly in love with our little Squishapillar, and can't believe we didn't do this earlier! LOL We made the choice to switch Kellan to cloth diapers this month - and let me tell you, we LOVE it!
We found our home, and began to pack up our rental. Grandpa Mark and GiGi came to visit Kellan, and allowed Rob and me to have our first night out since Kellan joined our lives!
We moved into our first HOME! It was a feeling of comfort and love the moment we moved in. It was amazing, for over 3 years we have lived in Las Vegas, and never felt like we had a place we could call home. But the moment we walked into our house, it was like a feeling of peace came over us, and we were home. Kellan was visited by his Uncle Dave and Aunt Mindy for the first time in the beginning part of this month. It was a wonderful visit!
Kellan's first Halloween! We now as unpacked as we can be, and have finally set up Kellan's nursery. He is now starting out all his nights in his own bed, but usually ends up back with me by the morning. (what I can't help it!)
Kellan as a Caterpillar
Rob left for his Sandbox, and left Kellan and I at home to keep watch over the house. We managed to get some wonderful family pictures before he left. Kellan took his first plane ride and celebrated his first Thanksgiving in Minnesota visiting Grandma Diane, Great Aunt Jan, Great Uncle Mike, Uncle Dave, Aunt Mindy, and Aunt Amanda.
Kellan is now 6 months old. I can not believe that 1/2 a year has flown by so quickly... it feels as short a period of time as it takes you to scroll back up to the month of June in this post. Kellan took his second plane trip, and we are currently in Florida visiting Grandpa Mark and GiGi. Christmas was a blast. Kellan loved the ribbon and paper. He didn't quite understand what was going on, but having him sure brought the Magic back into the holiday for me. We continue to miss Rob, and talk about him all the time.
So that was our year in review. But if you know me at all, you know that I take way too many pictures, (kinda addicted) and have more favorites that I feel need to be in this entry as well. So quickly... here are some of my other favorites that I couldn't even think of leaving out. In no particular order....

And so you ask, how will you top 2009? Honestly? I have no plans to attempt to top this whirlwind of a year. I know that this year will bring wonderful memories of its own. My baby will celebrate his 1st birthday in 2010 (wiping tears away) and my husband and I have promised each other a vacation. But hopefully it will be a happy and laid back year. A year to continue to enjoy life's blessings, big and small. A year to fill our home with wonderful family memories. A year to just be us - a small family just living our life, and making our way in our Las Vegas.
Labels: Daily Vegas, Squishy, Vegas Living, Year in Review
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