Friday, July 23, 2010

Since I’m not getting any, I figured I could at least write about it…

Sleep that is.

My last good memory of waking up truly and undeniably refreshed was the morning after the first night of our honeymoon. We had spent the whole day before traveling dealing with layovers and delays. Not to mention we were exhausted from the wedding preparations. By the time we arrived in Belize we were just beat. We had dinner on our balcony, and fell asleep by 8pm. I awoke the next morning holding my sweet husband’s hand, (trust me we are not the cuddling in our sleep type) with the sun streaming into our room. We just looked at each other and smiled. It was the first time in a long time we both woke up feeling refreshed and recharged. It was the perfect honeymoon memory.

I didn’t know at that time it was going to be the last time I woke up feeling so rested for a long time. When we returned from out honeymoon, we had only a few weeks until my husband deployed for his job. When he is gone, I never seem to truly rest. Although, I will confess having the bed all to myself sometimes is nice, but I would rather have him there.

The Hubs returned early and unexpected after injuring his knee. We spent the days trying to get his workman’s compensation claim going so he could get the attention he needed.

Perhaps the biggest surprise came a month later when we discovered (very happily) we were going to be parents. I knew at that moment sleeping wasn’t ever going to be the same, and boy was I right!

I had a somewhat difficult pregnancy with horrible sciatica and SPD. Every time I rolled over it felt like someone was grinding into my pelvic bone. (Really it was rubbing together!!) That was a pain I was not prepared for.

Then our son was born! And while he is a super mellow and sweet Squishy little baby he didn’t start sleeping through the night until 11 months. It didn't last long; 1 week after he began to sleep through the night, he got Hand Foot and Mouth Disease, followed quickly by a bout of Bronchitis.

When he was better he started to sleep through the night again, and now we are dealing with a mysterious affliction, which could quite possibly be his 1 year molars, but he also has 103 temperature… so needless to say he is up about every hour to two hours.

Around 12 months I also started to have problems falling asleep. This happened to correspond with my husband’s deployment. I never sleep right when my best friend isn’t there.

All this lack of sleeping has me thinking a few things:
1. Will I ever wake up feeling rested again?
2. I wonder if people are beginning to notice I am turning into a Zombie Mommy again.
3. Will I ever stop thinking about thinking about how nice it would be to sleep?

It is such a vicious cycle I decided to give into it… I am embracing my inner sleep deprived crazy person, and try not to think about thinking about when I will ever get some sleep! I am hoping the best way to stop thinking about thinking about sleeping is to blog all about it. Maybe I can see what others are saying about sleep to see if they have any insight…

The Dalai Lama says “Sleep is the best meditation.” Hmmm, I guess I am not going to be the most connected to my inner going ons. Henry David Thoreau wrote, “I put a piece of paper under my pillow, and when I could not sleep I wrote in the dark.” I have spent many sleepless nights’ blogging or playing games in my bed, but I think that if I put my computer underneath my pillow I really wouldn’t be able to sleep!

Ralph Waldo Emerson strikes a chord with me with his look into sleep. “There was never a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him to sleep.” Truer words are hard to come by in this house!  I think Victor Hugo must have been talking about my newborn, because as tender as I think my arms may be, he hasn’t wanted to sleep in them since he was 4 months old. “A mother's arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them.”

John Cage said “It's useless to play lullabies for those who cannot sleep.” I have to agree, and would also add counting sheep only works if you are the only one who isn’t sleeping… But you know it is really bad when you can start identifying with the un-dead! “How blessed are some people, whose lives have no fears, no dreads; to whom sleep is a blessing that comes nightly, and brings nothing but sweet dreams.” ~Bram Stoker.

Finally let’s take a look at two of the favorite sleep sayings I came across in my research to blog about sleep so I wouldn’t want to think about thinking about not sleeping… Perhaps once you become a parent you should just embrace Warren Zevon’s famous quote, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” And finally I came across this Miley Cyrus quote ,“I love to sleep. I'd sleep all day if I could.” All I could think was; Honey I wish you would!

What? It’s not my fault – that is the sleep deprivation talking…

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At July 24, 2010 at 5:19 AM , Blogger Sal said...

Girl, I feel ya. 100%. I, too, have had a really hard time sleeping since my husband deployed. Add that to a baby that doesn't ever WANT to sleep, and I walk into walls most days.

Your blog is ADORABLE by the way! Can't wait to read some more :)

And seven deployments? Ugh, that makes me hurt. Bless your heart! One has been hard enough for me.

At July 24, 2010 at 5:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Newest follower from Surfin' Saturday. I hope you can come see me at

At July 24, 2010 at 10:05 AM , Blogger Hannah said...

Oh man, I really hope your little guys starts feeling better! I feel you on the no sleep thing. I think it is just one of the things about motherhood that no one tells you until your actually going through it LOL. When my best friend got pregnant with her first I told her to savor the moments of sleeping in, and taking naps! Hope you have a good weekend!

At July 24, 2010 at 11:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can relate! Lol. The oldest is 11 the youngest is 21 months....sleep, what is sleep? With four children in the house it is sometimes hard to make sure they all get the individual attention they not only need but deserve. Our youngest is not quite two yet so she requires some extra attention making it a little more challenging to make sure the three boys get their fair share as well. So when the opportunity arose to spend a little time with our oldest son my husband and I jumped at it! The three of us went to dinner and had a great time laughing, joking and just enjoying each other's company.

September is quickly approaching and with that comes some new freedom for our eleven year old. Jr. High! I remember high school! I remember the not-so-great people you can get tangled up with if not careful. I remember the stress high school can cause. I remember the "I am not a child" attitude that comes with the teenage years. Frankly Justin starting Jr. high school scares the crap out of me! He is all to willing to trust even the untrustworthy, friendly, and is always drawn to the kids you would rather stay at the other end of the park.

I keep telling myself that we have a smart boy, a good boy, and we have taught him right from wrong...but it doesn't help. Honestly I am sooo not looking forward to these teen years! I would love to just skip them! I can easily see someone taking advantage of the fact that he is more than willing to do what they ask of him. He can also have a bit of a mouth though so I can also easily see him taking a few knocks. These years came too fast. I don't think I am mentally ready for a teenager!

Do you have a teen/teens? How did you feel when they entered the "big kids" school? I would love to hear!

At July 24, 2010 at 11:41 AM , Blogger Beth said...

Thanks for joining us on Surfin' Saturdays! Following you back too...

I remember the sleep deprived days...our youngest finally slept through the night when we moved him to a toddler bed at 18 months!

At July 24, 2010 at 11:51 AM , Blogger Desirae Legerski said...

The editorial comment on Miley Cyrus' comment made me laugh!

At July 24, 2010 at 12:31 PM , Blogger Emily - faliLV said...

@Mrs. Trophy Wife - Thank you. Hang in there mama! He will be home before you know it!
@Mommyof4 - I only have my one baby for now. Good luck with oldest. I am already dreading the teen years and I have a long time until we get there!

At July 24, 2010 at 1:18 PM , Blogger Lolo @ Crazy About My Baybah said...

I feel you. Sometimes I hear C wake up and think, just 10 more minutes. You may be sleep deprived, but you are one of the most energetic mommies I know!

At July 24, 2010 at 10:20 PM , Blogger Emily - faliLV said...

Thanks Lolo!! You made my day!

At July 25, 2010 at 6:49 AM , Blogger Carolee Hollenback said...

This too shall pass :-)

Visiting late from Friday Blog Hop


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