Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October 4th Was A Big Day Around Here!

So last year October 4th was supposed to just be our six month wedding anniversary.  Instead it turned out to be one of the most memorable days of my life.  Last October 4th, Rob and I found out we were going to be parents!  It was quite a bit of a surprise, as we weren't quite trying yet, but it was the best surprise I have ever gotten.  I can't believe it has already been one year! This leads me to...

Guess who turned 4 months on the 4th? Why Mr. Kellan that's who! 4 months old, it seems like it is flying by. I love all the new things my little squishy caterpillar has begun to do this month.

At 4 months old:

Kellan has started rolling over from Belly to Back! (Ok he did this at 3 months, 3 weeks, but he is improving upon it every day.)

He is desperately trying to roll from his back to his belly, but so far we only are rolling back to his side. He tries so hard, but still hasn't quite gotten there. (I am convinced he is going to do it in his crib when I am not looking)

This leads us to, taking naps in his very own crib in his very own room. We are finally finished setting up his furniture in his room. We are still waiting on the blinds, but when they come Kellan will be sleeping in there at night too!

He has started to want to fall asleep on his own. The days of rocking him to sleep in my arms are becoming less frequent. When he gets tired, I have found if I lay him down to sleep, he fights much less then if I try to snuggle with him. This makes me proud and sad all at the same time. I feel such a sense of pride that my baby has learned to put himself to sleep, but I do miss our cuddle sessions. Sometimes after he is sleeping, I pick him back up to snuggle with him.

Kellan has also really found his voice recently. We are woken up each morning to a full on squawk fest about his dreams from the night before. He will talk for almost an hour straight each morning. It is so cute; I can't wait to know what he is actually saying! :)

We are also getting outright giggle fits now. Mostly when I tickle him, but also sometimes when he sees something silly he will just start laughing. His laugh is pure joy, and a sound I can't get enough of!

Kellan is also purposefully reaching out for specific toys now. It is so cute to watch him work so hard to get what he wants. I love spending my days on the floor playing with him.

Kellan continues to be and bring such a joy to our lives. We love watching him every day, and watch him accomplish new things. He is still such a sweet little squish of a man. A year ago we were filled with nervous excitement about what this new life would bring to ours,  and now our lives are filled with such love for a joyous little boy. What a difference a year can make!


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