Saturday, May 1, 2010

At what point does a sleeping child stop being the sweetest thing ever?

Most nights I just can't help myself.  I just have to risk waking my little Squishy up to sneak a peek at him before I head off to bed.  It used to not be such a big deal if he woke up, bc he was bound to wake up shortly after I laid down anyway.  But these days he is starting (fingers, toes, hair-strands all crossed) to sleep a little better at night.  He even (dare I say it, and risk a serious jinx????) slept from 7pm-7am the other night!!!!  Granted I woke up 12 times wondering when he would wake up to eat, but still it was a pretty big deal.  Of course he followed that night up with 3 night-time feedings.  I blame teething!  (It's pretty much my go-to blame-it-all these days.)

Now back to the whole point of this post, I have to, need to, can't go to sleep without it, sneak into his room and watch him sleep for just a minute.  (Or five, but who's counting?)  Seriously, is there anything sweeter that a sleeping baby/child?  The look of peace and innocence that is laying across their face.  I feel immense love for my Squish every time I look at him, but there is just something so special about watching a baby sleep.  I know I am not alone in this. 

I have found there are pretty much two kinds of parents when it comes to a baby who has fallen to sleep.  Those who don't go in unless they hear them on the monitor, and those who have to compulsively check on their child, even though they know (especially at almost 11 months) that their children are just fine.  I happen to fall into the latter group of parents.  (So does my husband, and sometimes I hear him sneak in over the monitor before he goes to bed after work. (He works a later shift and often times I am sleeping before he comes to bed)  This makes me smile.)

Of course the sweetness is mixed with a hint of laughter, because as anyone who has seen my child when he is sleeping will tell you, he sleeps just like his father!

Case and Point?

(It would also appear like we need to move up to size 24 month pjs...)

Oh I love this little boy!  Sweet Dreams Little Man!


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At May 2, 2010 at 8:44 AM , Blogger Desirae Legerski said...

How could you not want to sneak in and watch hime sleep! I love the sleeping pic!


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