First Solid Foods - 7 Months

Ninja Baby - Talking to Daddy

My 7 Month Cutie!
8 Months already!

Valentine's Squishy
Cubs in Las Vegas - Squishy's 1st Cubbies Game!

Play-date with his friend Fish!
Nothing like your first Duck Leg!

Karate Chopping the Easter Bunny!

Happy Anniversary!!

March of Dimes Walk
Fun at the splash-pad with friends!

Developing a love of Vroom-Vrooms!
Do I really need words here??

Not ready to turn 1!

Squishy's Baptism.

Daddy says goodbye.
Practicing Attachment Parenting!

1 Year Pictures!

1st Haircut
Started walking July 31st 2010!! Just shy of 14 months! Go baby!

Mama and Squishy at a friend's b-day party!

Summer is a great time for Strawberries!

Minnesota State Fair with my sister!
The girls took me out for Birthday Bingo! I may have had 1-2 Margaritas before this picture was taken...

Stopping to smell the flowers!

Nothing like a little sand between your toes!
Playing in the Park!

My Dad came to visit.

Mama Bee with my Honey Bear!
Don't touch my french fry!

Daddy is HOME and fun at the Circus!

Apple Picking - or at least trying too!
Santa Fail!

Family Holiday Pictures!

Squishy's 18 month pictures.

Christmas Morning!
Random Favorites
New Furniture

Swedes invade Las Vegas!

Me and Squish at the new City Center shops.

Get together with Mommy friends!

Mama's little Laundry Helper!

Tunneling for fun!

Whew! That was one awesome year! I love my Family and Life in Las Vegas!
(My daily view)I have some big changes coming in 2011, I can't wait to share them with you. Thank you for all your support this year, and for reading about Vegas Our Way!