Sunday, July 26, 2009

Date Night

Well it is official. I actually managed to leave Kellan last night so that Rob and I could enjoy a night out. Grandpa Mark and Geegee (dee) were here visiting and were more then happy to babysit.
So we ventured out. And it was a really nice night. We did manage to talk about other things then Kellan at dinner, although not very much! :) We went to the RedRock and had burgers, where we ran into my OB. That was kinda funny! I also enjoyed a margarita. It was very nice. Then we went to a movie - Public Enemies (not my choice - I wanted to see Harry Potter) but it was ok. Very slow. By the time it ended I was ready to get back to see Kellan.
We got home, and Kellan had done wonderful. No big issues. This was a wonderful relief. I loved spending time with my husband, and enjoyed the night out. But it was nice to come home to the baby too.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bath Time!

"Hey Mom! Why are you taking my picture while I'm taking a bath?"
"I'm sorry Kellan, but you are just too cute, and I can't help myself!"
We love bath time! He really enjoys the water. I can't wait to take him to the pool!

We made the switch!

Hi all!

So we switched to cloth diapers beginning last week, and so far it has been great. Gone are the days of pins and ugly covers. Now they fasten with a ace bandage like clip called a snappy, and have super cute covers. Kellan has been doing great in them, and we haven't had any leakage yet! I am glad I could do this. I know we wouldn't be able to if I was working. I am so blessed to be able to stay at home and be with him. I love being a Mommy! It's the best job I've ever had!

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Angela Kalthoff Photography

Hi all,

If you are interested I am going to let Angie know to set up a gallery for family and friends to purchase some of the pictures she took at a discounted price. She did such a wonderful job, and is so amazingly talented. Keep checking back to get updates on this. These are just a few of my favorites!


Happy 6 Weeks Kellan!

Yay! Kellan is now 6 weeks old, and we have officially gotten rid of all his 0-3 clothes. He just doesn't fit them anymore. As of Tuesday he was weighing in at 13lbs! Is anyone else amazed at how fast he is growing? BC I am. It was sad to pack away all those clothes, but I know that it is good he is growing and thriving.

He is definitely more alert now, and out of all of his toys, his favorite things are the ceiling fans! Silly boy! I am looking forward to him discovering his hands more, and figuring out he can bat at the toys in front of him. Kellan is still a big cuddle monster though, and both Rob and I love that!

We took Kellan to Rob's work yesterday to show him off. I have never seen so many Men googling over a little baby. Most of the guys at Rob's work are older, and their kids have grown up now, and everyone of them said how much they missed having a little one around. It was very cute to say the least. Everyone thinks Kellan looks just like his Daddy (me included), and were amazed at how big he is already. It was a nice trip to the base.

We are all doing well here, and are beginning the house hunt again. Rob was officially released back to regular duty as of the 20th of this month. Keep your fingers crossed we find something, and quickly. We would like to be in it by the time our lease is up in September. We are really looking forward to finally having our own home, and Kellan is excited to finally get a nursery.

What an amazing year this has been so far. I am really looking forward to all the rest that this year is going to bring.



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Tuesday, July 14, 2009



Cropdusting My Baby!

This is something I never thought I would be doing! One in a long line of many to come I am sure.

So Squish has always had some baby acne, but I started to notice a more red rash on his face. When we went into the pediatrician, he told me it was prickly heat rash, and kinda acted like it was nothing.

However, me being the worrier my mother says I am, I made the phone call to my her to ask her about it. She told me that I should use corn starch on it. OK I thought, not thinking to ask more questions. After Rob told me I should make a paste out of it, I put in another call to my Mom, who informed me I just had to brush it on.

So we did, and it worked. So now each night before bed I dust my son in cornstarch in an effort to fight this prickly rash. Although I have to say with it being in the 110s here, I think we may be in for a long summer and many "white" nights!

I love having family to get advice from, I only wish they were a lot closer. We love and miss you all!



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Some More Pictures!

Here are some more pictures from the 4th of July! I also tried to catch what I call his "Caterpiller" face on camera. It is my absolute favorite look! This was just such a fun day! Enjoy all the pics! Oh, and notice how strong he is already on his tummy!

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Growing Like a Weed!

With no signs of slowing down!

Kellan weighed in today at 12lbs 7ozs, and 22 inches long! I knew they grow fast, but I feel like with Kellan it is going really fast. I mean and inch in 3 weeks! Wow! He is in the 95% for his weight, and 75% for his height. So far it looks like he may not have inherited Rob's big head because that was only in the 50%.

We are starting to get more smiles. I don't think they are gas smiles anymore. I love it when he wakes up and smiles when he sees me. It totally makes my heart flip. He is just such a sweet baby, I don't know how we got so lucky!


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Our 4th of July adventure!

What a fun forth of July! Finally! After so many years of Rob either being deployed, or fireworks being cancelled due to wind, or major extreme heat (115+), we FINALLY had a wonderful 4th!

We decided after much debate to go to the Henderson celebration. It seemed to be the most kid friendly. Plus it was close enough to us that if Kellan hated the fireworks we could leave. All of the games and rides were obviously to big for Kellan, but we found a nice spot of grass, spread out our blanket, and listened to the live bands. Kellan loved the music - that is when he was awake. He slept a lot of the time, I think it was the fresh air that did him in.

While listening the music we managed to successfully nurse in public without too much of an incident. (pretty sure I didn't flash anyone) We also enjoyed some chicken fingers with fries, and for dessert I had chocolate drizzled strawberries and bananas on a stick while Rob enjoyed a cheesecake on a stick. The only mishap was the Red Gatorade spilling on the blanket.

Finally it came time for the fireworks. Here we go... will he like them? ...

Kellan LOVED them. He ooed and watched them very contently. He seemed to really love the colors, and didn't really mind the loud booms. The show was wonderful, we saw some new fireworks that we hadn't seen before. I loved the ones that looked like broccoli bushes! I posted some pics, but will put up more later from our wonderful evening. It really felt nice to have a great family outing. Perhaps it wasn't the show, or the lack of horrible heat and wind, but having Rob home to celebrate, and having our new son that made the evening what it was.




Thursday, July 2, 2009

Kellan is a month old today!

I can't believe it has been a month already... well technically he is 4 weeks today, and a month old on the 4th! But seriously! Why does this go so quickly? I would be much happier if the days dragged like they did when I was pregnant. I blink my eyes and he is so different everyday!

At one month old Kellan likes to:

He sings/talks all the time - He loves music, and will make noises right along with it.
He always has a smile in his sleep.
He loves looking the mirror.
He adores his bath time - I'm hoping for a water baby like I was!
He is a super cuddle boy, and is happiest in our arms.
He still has his days and nights mixed up, but we are making progress on this one!
He is much more alert and awake, and is beginning to really interact with us!

We are blessed by him everyday, and are so thankful and grateful to have him in our lives. I wouldn't trade this for anything in the world.
