Monday, August 31, 2009

My Little Fishy!

Oh the joys of doing something for the first time. While Kellan may not remember his first time in a swimming pool, I know it is a memory that will be with me for a lifetime. And boy did we ever have some fun!

Despite the serious look on his face, he actually did really well and seemed to be enjoying it. Looks like I may be getting myself a little water baby after all!
Towards the end, after we took off the cute but cumbersome swim shirt, Kellan actually started to kick and splash in the water.
It was quite fun for both of us! Even though he was still splashing around, as soon as his little lip started to quiver from being cold, the fun was done. And with the wet cloths stripped away, the cuddly Tigger towel came out to warm the walk home. Kellan was asleep with-in minutes of beginning our walk back to the house. Hey, swimming is hard work!
My hopes for Kellan are to be able to expose him to the same kind of wonderful family vacations we had when I was younger. Whether it was trips to the Ocean, the local Lake Michigan Beach, or even a swimming pool at the hotel we were staying at, being in the water was always a great time for me. I don't expect Kellan to go as far with water sports as I did with diving unless it is something he asks for, but I hope he is able to get the same kind of peace and enjoyment out of being close or near to that water that I was and still am able to.
I think we will be starting his Mommy and Baby swim lessons after Rob deploys in November. Should be a fun time!

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Monday, August 24, 2009

“Good fathers make good sons”

The greatest gift I ever had
Came from God; I call him Dad!
~Author Unknown

I don't think I do this enough, so I thought I would take a minute to brag about my sweet hubby! This weekend I woke up with a 102 degree temperature and was feeling awful. Turns out I had Mastitis, which is an infection in the breast, that is common in breastfeeding moms. The only thing you can do is take your antibiotics, and rest. Well Rob sure stepped up to the plate. He took care of Kellan as much as Kellan would let him this weekend. I am still breastfeeding, so he couldn't do that, and there were times when Kellan would scream, and I would take him and he would just stop crying. Poor Rob, trying so hard, and all Kellan wanted was his Momma. But I really was able to get enough rest and am starting to feel a lot better today. Thank you Rob for all that you do to help me. Thank you for going to work so I can stay home and take care of our son. Thank you for being wonderfully patient with Kellan, and me. I love you so much. You are a wonderful husband, and a great father! Kellan and I are lucky to have you. I don't know what I am going to do when you deploy. (Taken when Rob came home from our first deployment as a couple)
It was hard not to have you here when it was just me, I know we will miss you even more now that Kellan is here. We will get through it, as we always do, with love and communication, and lots of patience. I love you!

Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a dad. ~Author Unknown

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Dads are too silly!

So this is what happens when Dad's are in charge of putting on the towel after bathtime! Rob thought this was so funny...

Kellan not so much!

This is what happens when Dad insists on running upstairs to get the camera BC this is a picture he just can't miss!

Oh the fun and joys of babyhood! Too bad I'm sure there will be payback when Kellan's a teenager!

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Double Digits!

Kellan is 10 weeks old today! I seriously say this all the time, and probably will for the next 18 years, but this is going so fast. Auntie Kim posted pics of Kellan on her FB page today, and I was looking at them going - "Wow he looks so small!"
I love how much he is smiling these days! He is such a happy baby. When he isn't hungry, wet, or sleeping (and sometimes even then) he spends his days smiling, laughing, and carrying on full conversations with us or Mr. Ceiling Fan or sometimes Mr. Caterpillar! I don't know how we got this lucky, but he is just a happy squishy little man!
Oh and by the way... Kellan is currently wearing a 6 month outfit today! Yeah - he's a big guy!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Videos and Tummy Time Pics

Hi all! So we have been doing more and more tummy time... Sometimes he likes it, and sometimes its a complete FAIL! I love this video BC he was all smiling and going to town on his links, but as soon as I pulled out the camera, tummy time was OVER! This video took way too long to upload here, so you will have to go see it on you tube!

The second video was almost immediately after the Tummy Time Fail video, and it shows more of my happy man! I am really loving staying home with him. Watching him learn and do new things everyday beats any job I have ever had.

This tummy time stuff is exhausting!


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Gym Time

OK so this is going to be short, BC I am exhausted. I left Kellan with his Daddy today, and headed off to the gym to start working out again. Can I just say WOW! I didn't realize that much had changed! It was very hard, and I felt really frustrated that I couldn't do half the things I used to be able to. I know I just gave birth via C/S to a 10lb baby, but I guess I thought I would be able to do more. My trainer totally whooped my bum. Pretty sure walking will be difficult tomorrow. Oh well, all in due time I suppose!

On the positive side, Kellan had a wonderful morning with his Daddy. I think Rob really enjoyed being alone with Kellan. I forget how important that is, and look forward to him having Daddy Saturdays for a while while I work out!


PS Kellan wanted to show everyone that he has been working our too!


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Kellan's Two Monthday!

Happy Two Months Kellan!
You are such a beautiful soul. Your Father and I feel blessed everyday to have the privilege of being your parents. Your smiles melt our hearts, your cries make our hearts skip a beat, and your laughter fills our hearts with a love we have never known. How we made it through this life so long without you, neither of us will never know. The joy you bring to us everyday is an amazing gift, and even in the rough times, we wouldn't trade it for all the gold in the world. It's hard to imagine our lives before you. May God continue to bless us with many more wonderful days, months, and years to come. We love you more today then yesterday, and more tomorrow then today.

What has happened this second month of your life:

You are now 14lbs 2ozs (as of 8 weeks) and 24 inches long. Which means in two months you have put on 4 lbs and 3.5 inches! What an overachiever you are starting to be.

You hold your head up very well, and have even managed to sit up for very short periods of time in your boppy!

You love to smile - a lot - especially in the middle of the night when we are trying to be quiet to ensure we all get a good nights sleep.

You are starting to giggle and laugh. I can't even begin to describe this sound, it is like pure joy and innocence.

You are beginning to realize there are more toy to look at, and not just ceiling fans. (Although I still think you like those the best!)

You have found your hands, and love to suck on them whenever you get the chance. You are just beginning to try and bat at toys that hang over your head. If I hand you a rattle you will hold onto it, but haven't quite figured out why you are hanging on to it.

You are still loving your bath time, although you are getting to be a little too big for your sink bathtub.

Tummy time is something you either love or hate, but you usually like it more then not.

You still enjoy music and sing along with it. You get upset if the music stops before you are ready to be done with it.

You are cooing more then ever before, and have begun to try to carry on a cooing conversation with both your Dad and me.

With all that you have accomplished this past month, I am awestruck when I think about what will come in these next couple of months.

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Funny Picture Sequence

Just had to share his goofy looks with Dad! It is so fun to watch them interact!


Smiles and Giggles

Lots of smiles!

See how big I am now!

Kellan had his 2 month pedi visit about a week early. He is now weighing in at 14lbs 2ozs and 24 inches long. That is a full 4 lbs up from his birth weight and 3.5 inches of growth! And he is still solely on breast milk. I am now finally feeling like myself again, and breastfeeding is finally going wonderful. I am really enjoying that time I get to spend with him.
So we are smiling all the time now! I love every single one I get to see. It is seriously the sweetest thing in the whole world, just a mouth full of gums! Kellan is also starting to giggle, which is so sweet. I have been able to really get him going a couple of times, and of course I never have the camera nearby to record it.

I cannot believe he will be two months old this week! Where has the time gone?


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