Sunday, November 29, 2009

My Final Thankfuls

So here are my last two Thankfuls to round out my week of Thanks...


Today I am thankful for Sisters and Grandmothers. My sister kindly waited to see the movie New Moon until I came into town. And so for the first time in a while, I had a night out. It was much needed and much appreciated. Grandma Diane stayed home with Kellan and watched him so I could go. The simple act of getting out on my own is not something I usually get to do, especially now that my husband is overseas. I am no family in Las Vegas, and just don't get out of the house without my little Squishy. I was happy to get out of the house for a little bit. Today I am thankful for Sisters and Grandmothers that allow me to do that.
My Sister Amanda


I think I saved the best for last. Today I am thankful for my Son. My little man, my Squishapillar, my Melonhead, my Squishy, my Sweat Pea, my Handsome Boy. I could go on and on, just like I could go on and on with the amount of love I feel for such a small child. He has taken a place in my heart and will never be removed. His smiles light up my everyday, his cry still sounds like music to me. I love Kellan more then I ever knew it was possible to love someone. The moment I found out I was pregnant I loved him, the minute he was born, I would gladly give my life for his.

The feelings I have for this little baby are so amazing and overwhelming. I am overjoyed to see what love has created by/for my husband and me. All of our best parts into one little being. I will spend my life trying to show this little baby how much I love him, and do anything I can for him. Elizabeth Stone was quoted as saying "Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” He is my heart. I wish nothing by good for this baby. I pray that the bumps in his life are little and manageable, but even when they are big, I will be there for him. And when the time is right, and the roots that I have given my baby are strong enough, I will pray his wings are strong enough to carry him wherever he wants to go in life.  Today I am thankful for my Son.


Friday, November 27, 2009

More Thankfuls!

Sorry - I didn't have internet access when I was in Mankato - my wonderful Aunt still has Dial - Up internet!!!!

Wednesday -

Today I am thankful for the gift of Motherhood. My whole life, well as long as I can remember, I knew I wanted to be a mother. What I didn't know is that it would exceed my every expectation. The moment I found out I was pregnant, I was in love. The minute Kellan was born, I was a goner...

Everyday, even the challenging ones, has truly been a gift from God. I feel very blessed with the ability to have a child, be a mom, and stay at home enjoying every minute. Nothing could have ever prepared me for the way Kellan would change my life, and the way I live it. Today and Everyday I am thankful to be a mom.


Today I am thankful for the little things I take for granted. A family who loves me, a roof over my head, never wanting for food or clothes, the love of an amazing man, the smiles and sweet touches of a new baby, a car to take me where I need to go, the money to fly home to visit my family. This list could go on and on, but on days like today, I have to pinch myself to see how many gifts I have in my life. Sometimes when life gets crazy or busy, I forget how truly blessed I am. Today I am thankful for the little things.
New Beginnings on the Riverfront
picture by "Mom"

Friday -

Today I am thankful for technology. Yes, I know this one sounds silly, but without the internet, and cell phones, I highly doubt I would be able to survive one deployment - let alone this one 6 deployments later. The phone calls and emails from my husband keep me going on a daily basis. I know for a fact it is the same way for him.

Every deployment because of these little advancements to our lives, my husband and I communicate in ways we don't get to when he is home, and it is because of this that we love each other more and more each day. Not to mention that now I can send Rob his Daily Smile from his sweet son, and he can hear him babble over the phone thousands of miles away. I love my husband, I love his letters, and I love his voice, and so today I am thankful for technology.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Week Of Thanks!

I thought I would spend this week sharing what I am thankful for, seeing as it is Thanksgiving and all. I have traveled to Minnesota this week, and don't think I will be able to upload pics until I get home, but I thought this would be a nice way to blog this week.

Since I missed Monday's entry - you will have two today.

MONDAY: Today I was thankful for the kindness of strangers. Kellan and I took our first plane flight together. Traveling with an Infant is a big task; you almost triple the amount of things you bring with you. Traveling by yourself with an Infant can be down right scary. The day was made a million times easier thanks to a select few strangers who recognized an overwhelmed Mom, and offered to help. In today’s society often people turn a blind eye when they see someone struggling. So thank you to the few people that held the door for me, or picked up a dropped blanket. For the kind man who didn't get upset with Kellan constantly kicking his arm, despite my best efforts, and to the women who kindly offered to hold Kellan when I could no longer wait to use the airplane restroom - there was no way I was going to fit in that tiny stall with Kellan with me... (They were REALLY small bathrooms). Every once in a while, I am surprised by the kindness of a stranger; today I am thankful for that.

TUESDAY: Today I am thankful for Family, especially Grandparents. I love seeing Kellan light up at my Mom. I am thankful to be spending the holidays with those who love me and support me. Who are there for me every deployment. Who always have my back, and support my life choices. I love being with all my family. I hope Kellan enjoys these visits as much as I do. Today I am thankful for Family.

Kellan  and Grandma Diane


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm So Glad I Did Not Do These Myself!

Ok so I had to post this and share my new favorite deco for Kellan's Nursery. About 7-8 weeks ago I placed an order to I had originally planned on doing Kellan's name letters myself. They would have been less expensive and turned out fine I'm sure. And when I told my husband my plan, he kindly mentioned that I was still behind on Kellan's baby book (yes it's true, but not super behind). So I did my research and came across this company. They do hand painted letters to match you crib set or theme of your nursery. So I asked if they could do vintage war planes with the colors of my crib set. The letters hand painted still came put to just under $10 each including shipping. I placed my order and put it out of my mind.

Then I got the package in the mail, and still was unsure of what could possibly be inside. When I opened up and saw the letters I must tell you, I couldn't be happier with the results. They turned out WONDERFUL! I am so glad I didn't do them myself, and plan on purchasing name letters for each of our children that we end up having.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday is Always The Hardest

So things have been kind of busy around here.  I am thankful that they are.  Keeping busy keeps my mind from wandering.  I'm thankful to have met some really great new mommy friends.  The simple act of getting out of the house on a regular basis has been making this whole deployment a lot easier.  The regular phone calls home also help keep me sane and going.  So thank you ladies, family, and friends - having you in my life has made me a better mom.

And then Sunday night rolls around.  Sunday has always been a family day, or prior to Kellan a couple's day.  I try to keep my mind off of it, but inevitably the sad rolls in, and this huge ache for my husband wraps around my chest.  I miss him so much when he is gone.  I try to keep a brave face, but without fail every Sunday I end up needing to take some time to just let go, and surrender to the ache in my heart. 

Don't get me wrong, I know that this too shall pass, and I also know that with each deployment, amazingly we get stronger as a couple, but it doesn't make it hurt any less.  I miss being able to bury my head in the crook of his shoulder and curl up into his chest.  He has always made me feel safe, loved, strong, and capable.  He is easily the best friend I have ever had.  I am lucky enough to have a man who would do just about anything for me, and who supports me in all my choices and crazy adventures.  It hurts to not have him around.  There is just no way around that - no amount of busy that can keep that at bay.  So as capable as I am to handle our home on my own, and take care of my son on my own, it is just better when he is around.  Plain and Simple. 

Rob, I love you.  Keep your head down and hurry home.  And no matter what always know that I am here thinking of you all the time.  You and Kellan are the best parts of my every day.


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Monday, November 9, 2009

Daily Smiles

I got a phone call from my husband the other day.  He told me he was there - and he was safe, tired, but safe.  He asked me if he could talk to Kellan, but Kellan was sleeping.  I could hear he was upset, but I told him about our day, and that Kellan's tooth had pushed through and the other one was close by.  He was quiet and then he told me how much he missed getting a smile from Kellan before he went to work, and when he came home. So it crossed my mind to take a picture everyday of Kellan smiling for his Daddy. 

Daddy's Daily Smiles... 
I quickly discovered two things:

1.  Picking just one picture is WAY hard!
2.  Doing this for Daddy was also really great for me!

I love my son's smile.  It lights up the room, even at 4 am when he wants to play after nursing (only for about 5 minutes and then he is back to sleep) I can not help but melt every time I see his face smile.  Forget the room, it lights up my whole world!  It is such a wonderful way to pass my days.  If I could choose to see only one thing for the rest of my life - I would choose my children's smiles... (ok so I only have Kellan now, but seeing what Rob and I created together, I can only imagine each one of our children will have amazing smiles!)

Everyday I am reminded of the blessing God has sent into our life with just the simple upturn of my child's lips.  We are so blessed! 


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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Kellan is 5 Months Today!

Happy 5 months little man! Your Daddy and I love you more and more every day. Your little personality is really starting to come to life and we love watching you and playing with you. Every day you make us laugh. And now that your Daddy is gone for a while and it is just you and me, I look forward to that laugh even more than before. I love watching you explore your world and wish I could see things through your eyes. You have brought more joy into our lives then we ever thought possible. Thank you for being you. I look forward to each discovery, and every new 'trick' you learn.

Things Kellan can do at 5 months:

Roll over both ways, and doing it over and over and over...

You smile and giggle at the silliest things, but it still continues to be such a joyous sound.

You have two teeth coming through your bottom gums. You love to shove your whole fist in your mouth - and if it were possible you'd put them both in.

You reach for things with purpose and intent. You love you Mallory Monkey, and your Caterpillar rattle.

Mirrors make you dance, sing, and laugh. You have conversations with yourself which is just about the cutest thing ever.

Raspberries and spit bubbles are a daily staple.

You can sit up for a short period of time, and from time to time even remove your hands from the ground and sit up with no support.

You love to stand and bounce, and your legs although appear really squishy are super strong.

You have found your toes, and did this for the first time with your Dad much to his delight.

We love you more then you will ever know. Your Daddy's heart broke when he had to leave you to go away for the next couple of months. You mean more to him than he ever thought possible. You have taught us both that not only is "Love at First Sight" truly possible, but our unconditional love will last a lifetime with you.

Thanks for choosing us as your parents. We love you squishapillar!



Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Halloween & Other Scary Things

This year was our first Halloween as a family, and I must say I liked that much better then Halloween with out a child.  Kellan is so cute I couldn't decide what he should be so he went as both a Squishapillar (caterpillar) and also as a football.  That costume I made, and boy was it a lot harder then I thought.  I am either going to buy a sewing machine, or buy all my costumes from now on!  Thankfully Rob was able to be home for this holiday.  It is much more fun one now that we have a little man to dress up.  We debated on whether or not to carve a pumpkin, but we did and Kellan liked to kick it.  (I think he liked sitting on the table more then seeing the pumpkin.)  I love my family, and enjoyed spending this day with them.  Here are some pictures from our Halloween.

In other news Rob deployed over to the big sand box today. (thus the other scary things)  I am heartbroken.  But also surrounded by wonderful friends and love from my family.  I don't know what I would do if I didn't have them.  Safe travels Rob, hurry home to us my love!