Saturday, October 30, 2010

Daily Vegas ~ Squishy's first Pony ride!

Check out my little "HorsebackRiderMan!" Yes, I was so overwhelmed with my little man's first pony ride, I couldn't think of the word Cowboy... Seeing your child do something for the first time is truly like seeing all the possibilities in the world. And knowing that maybe, just maybe anything is possible.

"There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million." ~Walt Streightiff

Hope everyone is enjoying their Halloween!!

Have you voted for Family and Life in Las Vegas on Top Mommy Blogs today? Help me break into the top #25!! Thank you!

Show Some Saturday Love

BWS tips button

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Green so easy even a Toddler can do it! ~ Week 3 (Cloth Diapers)

Green So Easy is traveling this week!! I am SO honored to be guest posting over at Greening Sam and Avery!!

Abbie is speaking about her blog to the Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education! What an honor that must be! Her blog is dedicated to teaching her girls to love the earth. I hope everything goes well for her today.

In the mean time I got to write about Why I use a Cloth Diaper Service. I have been wanting to write about this for quite some time, but never got around to it. I am so grateful to Abbie for posting it. I think using a service gets a bad rap sometimes in the Cloth Diaper Service community, and I think that is because there is just so much conflicting information.

Regardless of using a service or washing them yourself, using Cloth Diapers is a super simple way that you can teach your child to love the earth. You are setting a great example of loving the environment by using cloth diapers. As your child begins to potty train, you can talk to them about the environmental reasons using cloth diapers helped to make it the best decision for you and your family.

Green So Easy, Even a Toddler can do it!!

Please head over and check me out my cloth diaper post on Greening Sam and Avery. While you are there make sure to tell Abbie congrats on her blog, and speaking at such an awesome conference!! You Go Abbie - teaching more than just your girls to love the earth!!

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Playskool Wheel Pals Animal Track Jungle Journey Set ~ A Review

Squishy is currently obsessed with toys that have wheels and can “GO!” He loves to push them around and even does his own variation on Vroom (which currently sounds more like a ghost) when he pushes them. It is quite cute to watch. When I received the Playskool Wheel Pals Animal Tracks Jungle Journey set, I knew that he would love the Jungle animals because they were on wheels. The Crocodile and Monkey Vehicle Friends come with a fun play set that has a lift and go launcher, a trap door, and a slide that you can maneuver so as to create different paths for the Vehicle Friends. And it even has an easy carry handle for Squishy to carry it around to various locations to Vroom some more! This play set also attaches to two other Animal Tracks sets. The Wheel Pals Animal Tracks Polar Party set, and the Wheel Pals Animal Tracks Rolling Acres Farm set.

When the Wheel Pals Jungle Journey set came in the mail, I knew that Squishy would love the Vehicle friends. I was right. He goes right for them first thing when he plays with his set.

This set is great for learning cause and effect, and coordination. Squishy can get a little frustrated when he can’t get the Vehicle Friends set up properly on the Lift and Go Launcher, but we have been working together, and he is getting better at it.

Mostly he loves that he can move the set from place to place wherever he is playing.

My Squishy tends to throw his toys when he is finished playing with them, but the Playskool Wheel Pals Jungle Journey set seems to be holding up just fine to my rough playing little Squish, which is a big positive in my book.

And of course, the box is always fun too!!

On the Squishy Rating Scale we give Playskool Wheel Pals Jungle Journey Set a Squishable! for it’s creativity and durability.

You can find Playskool on Twitter and Facebook! With the holidays coming up you are sure to want to check them out!

Disclosure: Playskool sent me a Wheel Pals Jungle Journey Set to review. I received no monetary compensation for this review, and all opinions are 100% my own.

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bee FRIENDLY Friday Follow ~ Week 12 (New and Improved!!)

Family and Life in Las Vegas

Crazy About My Baybah and Family and Life of Las Vegas have simplified things a bit, and are now calling our hop Bee Friendly Friday Follow! It is all about meeting new bloggy friends. So link up, grab our new button, and Bee Friendly!

Would you like to be our co-host?! It is simple, all you have to do is link up to Bee Friendly! Each week we will use to select a co-host from the previous weeks link-up. We will then contact you to let you know if you have been selected. There is a new list every Friday, so remember to come back and link up with us.

Our first featured co-host is #8 from last week, Diary of a Preppy Mom! Bee Friendly, and show her some love!

Here are a few simple guidelines we encourage you to follow:

1. Add your blog to the linky below.
2. Follow the hosts in the #1, #2, and the co-host in the #3 spots! Leave a comment, and we will follow you back!
3. Grab our new Bee Friendly Button to share the fun.
4. Bee Friendly, and visit the blogs that catch your eye.
6. If you get a new follower, Bee Friendly, and return the love!
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LifeasaWifeMy Wee View

Let's Just Give It Away

Friend Finding FridaysPhotobucket

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Daily Vegas ~ Winner Winner, and other important meanderings...

Wasn't I just whining about it being Monday?? This week has FLOWN by!! And creeped on all at the same time. Operation No Bouncer is going VERY well. But now Squishy's getting his I-teeth. Those Buggers are mean!! Last night he woke up SCREAMING at 5am and didn't go back to sleep until nearly 6:30am. Poor baby. I hate that stinking teething monster. I can't wait for him to be gone so I can have my sweet little happy Squish back!


Have you read SuperBaby by Dr. Jenn Berman yet?? Well, Melissa over at The Life of a Sippy Cup Mom is going to get a chance to - because she is is the winner of the SuperBaby Giveaway!! Melissa has 48 hours to respond before I draw a new winner.

Seriously, this is one of the better parenting books I have had the chance to read, so if you see it, be sure to pick it up and give it a read.

(EDIT: I am soo sorry to any last minute enteries. I thought today was the 29th... Please forgive me closing the contest a few hours early. - Oh Sleep Deprivation Brain - you kill me!!)

We are going to be spending our weekend enjoying many Halloween Festivities. This costume sure has gotten it's $11 worth!! Yes, I bought it last year after Halloween at Pottery Barn. A total steal!

Check out what a difference a year makes!!

Finally, have you taken moment to Blog to Win a Snack Happened reusable bag by Itzy Ritzy! We made it so easy all you have to do is copy and paste the post on your blog! And just like that you are helping to raise awareness for world hunger relief. Not to mention you will have 5 entries just like that to win one of 20 Itzy Ritzy Snack Happened Special Edition World Hunger Relief Bags!!

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Toddler Talk ~ Week 13 (Extended Family)

Family and Life in Las Vegas

Welcome to the eleventh week of
Toddler Talk Thursday! Where Family and Life in Las Vegas, Crazy about my Baybah, and My Life as a Sippy Cup Mom Talk all things Toddler!

Toddler Talk Thursday was created as a place for moms and dads of toddlers to come together over a weekly topic and share ideas, go-to toys, or products. It is a great way to meet other bloggers of toddlers. Each week the topic will be different; we invite you to link up, share your weekly Toddler Talk!

Each week the hosts will travel around to each blog that links up, and pick an idea, story, or picture they think was a great example of that weeks topic. In order to qualify for this you need to blog about this week's topic, and follow the hosts. Comments letting us know you are participating are always great too. If we choose your blog, we will link back to your post the following week.

Our highlighted blog this week is:

Diapers and Die Cuts!

(Welcome to Toddler Talk Thursday!)

And an extra special congrats to One + One =4
She and her family welcomed a beautiful baby boy into their family this week.
Enjoy Monkey Man and Give Lil Rocker and extra Squeeze from me!

This week’s topic is : Extended Family!

Tell us about your toddler's favorite extended family members!

Squishy has a lot of Extended Family who loves him very much. I was fortunate growing up to be so close to my cousins. Now they have children who are Squish's 2nd cousins, but labels don't mean very much in our family. Everyone is family.

In no particular Order...

My brother, Squish's Uncle Dave and Godparent.

Squishy's Grandpa Theron on his father's side.

My Sister in Law - Auntie Kim and Godparent.
Kim lives with us, and Squishy gets lots of love from her, and it is given right back!

My sister, Aunt Amanda.

The great Uncles
They are referred to as the Great UMs

Squishy's Great aunt, we call her the Great AL *My Godmother* and a cousin (2nd)

Another Great Aunt! Great AJ.

My father, Squishy's Grandpa Mark

My mother, Squishy's Grandmother

More Cousins (2nd)

Squishy really does love them!

Aunt Mindy and Uncle Dave - Godparents

Auntie Kim with Squish when he was a Squish.

Aunt Amanda when Squish was 23 days old.

Farmor Ingrid (Swedish for Father's Mother)

Not pictured: 3 Great Uncles on my Dad's side, and another Great Aunt, 5 more cousins, and 6 more 2nd cousins, my StepMom who Squish will call Gigi, and my step Sister Chey and her beautiful girls Mila and Brigette, and my step Brother Robbie. (we don't usually use the step, unless explaining it. Chey and Robbie are my family too.)

We also have two friends of the family, who live in LV part time. I consider them family as well, and Squish loves them!

I haven't meant very much of Rob's extended family. I did meet his Aunt Mia and Uncle Begnt who live in Sweden. He also has family in IN, KY, and Sweden.

The only person who lives here is Auntie Kim. Everyone else is spread out mainly between MN, FL, IN, KY, the East Coast, and Italy and Sweden.

I hope my son gets to grow up like I did. Where cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, and friends all play an important part in the family circle. So much love to spread around, and so many wonderful memories to make.

Next weeks topic will be: What's in your diaper bag?

Link Up Suggestions:

1. We ask that you follow all three hosts.
That way you can keep up to date on future Toddler Talks.
2. Please grab the Toddler Talk Button and display it in your post or on your blog.
3. Stop in to other blogs that are linking up. Leave a meaningful comment if you visit, and follow if you would like.

This link up is for families that have toddlers.
Raising a toddler can be fun, crazy, exciting, and exhausting. Sharing what works for you could give other families another way to do things.

Have Fun!

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Please – Before you Link up – This is NOT A BLOG HOP!! IT IS A MEME FOR PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS OF TODDLERS. If you aren’t going to post specific to this weeks topic, then don’t link up.

PhotobucketThe Two Savvy Sisters

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